Mold Inspections

Beware of free inspections! Some unscupulos mold remediators may offer free inspections in an attempt to lure customers. Because these same companies also perform remediation services they have a strong financial interest to find problems. Clearly it is best to have an independent environmental inspection company do the testing as this could save you thousands in unnecessary work.

mold inspection and testing for you. In comparison, Healthy Home Inspections MA, offers a comprehensive inspection, not just in the area the damage has

occurred, but we perform exterior and interior checks, which includes; guttering, landscape grading, siding condition, attic insullation and ventilation, and basement space.
We also offer helpful advise on weather related energy savings by
inspecting weather stripping, insulation, pipe wrap on plumbing,
drafty areas and basic weather related isues.


Healthy Home Inspections MA provides you with an inspection
report and recommendations for needed repairs. Unfortunately we
do have to charge for our inspection. We cannot recoup the cost of the
inspection by including it in a repair estimate. We are experts in what we do!


After your home has been treated by a mold remediation company of your choice, Healthy Home Inspections can return to preform a Clearance Test. This is often required if an insurance company or bank is involved, and is a very important part of the whole process which will give you peace of mind that you have a healthy home environment. You will be provided with a thorough report indicating any areas that still need remediation or that your home is cleared.


Don't ignor any strange odors occurring within your home. These odors can come from a variety of things. Call Healthy Home Inspections MA for the answers.